A cheeky little Herring Gull, Needle Felted Seagull to remind you of the trips to the seaside. These little blighters stand at around 5-6cms tall and are a lot less noisey than thier real life counterparts.
Love the or loathe them everyone has a seagull story, stole ice creams, sleepless nights while they shouted on the roof. My favourite seagull memory is from our first home together... the seaguls were making strange sounds and swooping in the garden, we went to look and they were diving at a fox!
These little ornaments will bring back memories of childhood holidays and bring a little joy all year round
Tiny Needle Felted Seagull Herring Gull
Approx 5-7cms
Flappy Birds 7cms, standing 5-6cms
Made from:
Merino wool tops felted around a wool bead with metallic paper wrapped wire legs