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New Kickstarter Flock: Make 100 Seagulls

Writer's picture: Melanie GreenMelanie Green

Greetings from Sunny Scarborough, I am back again with another Kickstarter to make 100 Cheeky seagulls ready to steal your chips.

I have 10 successful Kickstarter campaigns under my belt and I've participated in Kickstarter's Make 100 every year for the last 4 years. My aim is to make a whole flock of seagulls to display at my seaside studio in Scarborough, UK.

The project is inspired by a comment someone made as a review last year " At least it's not a seagull" it got me thinking... why do we hate them so much and the more I learned about them the more I came to realise how amazing these familiar chip thieves are. Growing up on the coast I am very familiar with these birds, I've spent a lifetime listening to them shout on the rooftops and go phweee all night.

Please take a moment to check out the project here on Kickstarter I look forward to seeing you there.



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